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also of note)

  • 1 note

    1. noun
    1) (Mus.) (sign) Note, die; (key of piano) Taste, die; (single sound) Ton, der

    strike the right note[Sprecher, Redner, Brief:] den richtigen Ton treffen

    2) (tone of expression) [Unter]ton, der

    note of caution/anger — warnender/ärgerlicher [Unter]ton

    on a note of optimism, on an optimistic note — in optimistischem Ton

    his voice had a peevish noteseine Stimme klang gereizt

    a festive note, a note of festivity — eine festliche Note

    3) (jotting) Notiz, die

    take or make notes — sich (Dat.) Notizen machen

    take or make a note of something — sich (Dat.) etwas notieren

    4) (annotation, footnote) Anmerkung, die
    5) (short letter) [kurzer] Brief
    6) no pl., no art. (importance) Bedeutung, die

    person/something of note — bedeutende Persönlichkeit/etwas Bedeutendes

    7) no pl., no art. (attention) Beachtung, die

    take note of something(heed) einer Sache (Dat.) Beachtung schenken; (notice) etwas zur Kenntnis nehmen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (pay attention to) beachten
    2) (notice) bemerken

    note [down] — [sich (Dat.)] notieren

    * * *
    [nəut] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of writing to call attention to something: He left me a note about the meeting.) die Notiz
    2) ((in plural) ideas for a speech, details from a lecture etc written down in short form: The students took notes on the professor's lecture.) die Aufzeichnung
    3) (a written or mental record: Have you kept a note of his name?) die Notiz
    4) (a short explanation: There is a note at the bottom of the page about that difficult word.) die Anmerkung
    5) (a short letter: She wrote a note to her friend.) das Briefchen
    6) ((American bill) a piece of paper used as money; a bank-note: a five-dollar note.) die Banknote
    7) (a musical sound: The song ended on a high note.) der Ton
    8) (a written or printed symbol representing a musical note.) die Note
    9) (an impression or feeling: The conference ended on a note of hope.) der Klang
    2. verb
    1) ((often with down) to write down: He noted( down) her telephone number in his diary.) notieren
    2) (to notice; to be aware of: He noted a change in her behaviour.) bemerken
    - academic.ru/50531/notable">notable
    - notability
    - notably
    - noted
    - notelet
    - notebook
    - notecase
    - notepaper
    - noteworthy
    - noteworthiness
    - take note of
    * * *
    [nəʊt, AM noʊt]
    I. n
    1. (record) Notiz f; (message) Bescheid m, Mitteilung f
    to leave a \note eine Nachricht hinterlassen
    to keep a \note of sth [sich dat] etw notieren
    to make [or take] a \note [of sth] [sich dat] eine Notiz [von etw dat] machen
    to write sb a \note [or a \note to sb] jdm eine Nachricht hinterlassen
    to take \note of sth von etw dat Notiz nehmen
    3. LIT (annotation) Anmerkung f; (explanation) Erläuterung f
    4. MUS Note f
    black/white \notes schwarze/weiße Tasten
    high/low \note hohe/tiefe Note
    5. (sound) Ton m, Klang m; (overtone) Unterton m; (reflecting mood) Ton[fall] m
    to change [AM its] \note seinen Ton [o Klang] verändern
    to strike a false/serious \note einen unpassenden/ernsthaften Ton anschlagen
    to strike the right \note den richtigen Ton treffen
    6. esp BRIT, AUS (money) [Geld]schein m
    7. ( form)
    of \note von Bedeutung
    he's a historian of \note er ist ein bedeutender Historiker
    nothing of \note nichts von Bedeutung
    8. (scent) [Duft]note f; of perfume [Parfüm]note f; (flavour in beer, wine, tea) [Geschmacks]note f
    the fresh \note of bergamot die frische Note von Bergamotte
    9. ECON
    [promissory] \note Schuldschein m
    II. vt
    to \note sth
    1. (notice) etw wahrnehmen [o bemerken]; (pay attention to) etw beachten
    to \note that... zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass...
    to \note how/when/where... zur Kenntnis nehmen, wie/wann/wo...
    \note how easy it is to release the catch quickly beachten Sie, wie einfach und schnell sich der Verschluss öffnen lässt
    2. (remark) etw anmerken [o bemerken]; (point out) etw feststellen
    to \note that... feststellen, dass...
    4. FIN
    to \note a bill einen Wechsel protestieren
    * * *
    1. n
    1) Notiz f, Anmerkung f; (= notice, comment) Hinweis m (also Comput); (= footnote) Anmerkung f, Fußnote f; (official: in file etc) Vermerk m; (= diplomatic note) Note f; (= informal letter) Briefchen nt, paar Zeilen pl

    to speak without notes — frei sprechen, ohne Vorlage sprechen

    to speak from notes —

    "Author's Note" exchange of notes (Pol) — "Anmerkung des Verfassers" Notenaustausch m

    to send/leave sb a note —

    to take or make notes — Notizen machen; (in lecture also, in interrogation) mitschreiben

    to make notes on a case (sich dat ) Notizen zu einem Fall machen

    2) no pl

    (= notice) to take note of sth — von etw Notiz nehmen, etw zur Kenntnis nehmen

    take note of what I tell you — hören Sie auf das, was ich zu sagen habe

    worthy of note — beachtenswert, erwähnenswert

    3) no pl

    (= importance) a man of note — ein bedeutender Mann

    4) (MUS) (= sign) Note f; (= sound on piano etc) Ton m; (= song of bird etc) Lied nt, Gesang m

    to play/sing the right/wrong note — richtig/falsch spielen/singen

    it struck a wrong or false note (fig)da hat er etc sich im Ton vergriffen

    5) (= quality, tone) Ton m, Klang m

    on a more optimistic/positive note — aus optimistischer/positiver Sicht

    his voice took on a note of desperation —

    6) (Brit FIN) Note f, Schein m

    a £5 note, a five-pound note — eine Fünfpfundnote, ein Fünfpfundschein m

    2. vt
    1) (= notice) bemerken; (= take note of) zur Kenntnis nehmen; (= pay attention to) beachten
    = note down
    * * *
    note [nəʊt]
    A s
    1. (Kenn)Zeichen n, Merkmal n
    2. fig Ansehen n, Ruf m, Bedeutung f:
    a man of note ein bedeutender Mann;
    nothing of note nichts von Bedeutung;
    worthy of note beachtenswert
    3. Notiz f, Kenntnisnahme f, Beachtung f:
    a) von etwas Notiz oder etwas zur Kenntnis nehmen,
    b) etwas beachten
    4. Notiz f, Aufzeichnung f:
    make a note of sth sich etwas notieren oder vormerken;
    speak without notes frei sprechen;
    take notes sich Notizen machen (of über akk); compare A 3, mental2 A 1
    5. (diplomatische) Note:
    exchange of notes Notenwechsel m
    6. Briefchen n, Zettel(chen) m(n)
    7. TYPO
    a) Anmerkung f
    b) Satzzeichen n
    8. WIRTSCH
    a) Nota f, Rechnung f:
    as per note laut Nota
    b) (Schuld)Schein m:
    bought and sold note Schlussschein m;
    notes payable (receivable) US Wechselverbindlichkeiten (-forderungen)
    c) Banknote f, Geldschein m:
    note issue Notenausgabe f, -kontingent n
    d) Vermerk m, Notiz f
    e) Mitteilung f:
    note of exchange Kursblatt n
    9. MUS
    a) Note f: off B 2
    b) besonders Br Ton m
    c) besonders Br Taste f:
    strike the notes die Tasten anschlagen
    10. poet Klang m, Melodie f, besonders (Vogel)Gesang m
    11. fig Ton(art) m(f):
    strike the right note den richtigen Ton treffen;
    a) sich im Ton vergreifen,
    b) sich danebenbenehmen;
    on this note in diesem Sinne;
    he closed his speech on this (encouraging) note mit diesen (ermunternden) Worten; change A 1
    12. fig
    a) Ton m, Beiklang m:
    with a note of irritation mit einem Unterton von Ärger
    b) Note f, Element n, Faktor m:
    a note of realism eine realistische Note
    B v/t
    1. bemerken
    2. (besonders) beachten oder achten auf (akk):
    note that … beachten, dass …
    3. oft note down (sich) etwas aufschreiben oder notieren
    4. WIRTSCH einen Wechsel protestieren lassen:
    bill (of exchange) noted for protest protestierter Wechsel
    5. besonders Preise angeben
    n. abk
    1. natus, born geb.
    3. LING nominative Nom.
    4. noon
    5. north N
    6. northern nördl.
    7. note
    8. noun Subst.
    9. number Nr.
    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (Mus.) (sign) Note, die; (key of piano) Taste, die; (single sound) Ton, der

    strike the right note[Sprecher, Redner, Brief:] den richtigen Ton treffen

    2) (tone of expression) [Unter]ton, der

    note of caution/anger — warnender/ärgerlicher [Unter]ton

    on a note of optimism, on an optimistic note — in optimistischem Ton

    a festive note, a note of festivity — eine festliche Note

    3) (jotting) Notiz, die

    take or make notes — sich (Dat.) Notizen machen

    take or make a note of something — sich (Dat.) etwas notieren

    4) (annotation, footnote) Anmerkung, die
    5) (short letter) [kurzer] Brief
    6) no pl., no art. (importance) Bedeutung, die

    person/something of note — bedeutende Persönlichkeit/etwas Bedeutendes

    7) no pl., no art. (attention) Beachtung, die

    take note of something (heed) einer Sache (Dat.) Beachtung schenken; (notice) etwas zur Kenntnis nehmen

    2. transitive verb
    1) (pay attention to) beachten
    2) (notice) bemerken

    note [down] — [sich (Dat.)] notieren

    * * *
    Anmerkung f.
    Memorandum (Pol.) n.
    Note -n f.
    Notiz -en f.
    Vermerk -e m.
    Zettel - m. v.
    beachten v.
    notieren v.
    vermerken v.

    English-german dictionary > note

  • 2 note ****

    1. n
    1) (gen) Diplomacy nota

    to take or make notes — prendere appunti

    Italian lecture notesappunti mpl di italiano

    to take or make a note of sth — prendere nota di qc, prendere atto di qc

    2) (informal letter) biglietto, due righe

    just a quick note to let you know... — ti scrivo solo due righe per informarti...

    3) Mus, (of bird), fig nota

    to play or sing a wrong note — prendere una stecca

    to strike the right/wrong note (with) fig — intonarsi (a)/stonare (con)

    4) Comm nota, (also: banknote) banconota, biglietto di banca

    (of person) of note — eminente, importante


    (notice) worthy of note — degno (-a) di nota

    2. vt
    (observe) notare, osservare, (also: note down) annotare, prendere nota di

    English-Italian dictionary > note ****

  • 3 also

    1) (too, as well) anche, pure
    2) (furthermore) inoltre, oltre a ciò

    also, he snores — come se non bastasse, russa

    Although also is a bit more formal than too and as well, there is no corresponding difference in Italian, and anche (less commonly, pure) can translate the three of them; as to its position in the sentence, anche usually precedes the form it refers to, as the following examples will show: Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on Linda) = anche Linda ha incontrato Andrew ieri sera; Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on met) = Linda ha anche incontrato Andrew ieri sera; Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on Andrew) = Linda ha incontrato anche Andrew ieri sera; Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on last night) = Linda ha incontrato Andrew anche ieri sera
    * * *
    (in addition or besides; too: He is studying German but he is also studying French; They know him and I know him also.) anche
    * * *
    1) (too, as well) anche, pure
    2) (furthermore) inoltre, oltre a ciò

    also, he snores — come se non bastasse, russa

    Although also is a bit more formal than too and as well, there is no corresponding difference in Italian, and anche (less commonly, pure) can translate the three of them; as to its position in the sentence, anche usually precedes the form it refers to, as the following examples will show: Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on Linda) = anche Linda ha incontrato Andrew ieri sera; Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on met) = Linda ha anche incontrato Andrew ieri sera; Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on Andrew) = Linda ha incontrato anche Andrew ieri sera; Linda also met Andrew last night (emphasis on last night) = Linda ha incontrato Andrew anche ieri sera

    English-Italian dictionary > also

  • 4 note

    [nəut] 1. n ( MUS)
    nuta f; (of lecturer, secretary) notatka f; ( in book) przypis m; ( letter) wiadomość f ( na piśmie); ( banknote) banknot m
    2. vt
    ( notice) zauważyć ( perf); (also: note down) notować (zanotować perf), zapisywać (zapisać perf); fact odnotowywać (odnotować perf)
    * * *
    [nəut] 1. noun
    1) (a piece of writing to call attention to something: He left me a note about the meeting.) wiadomość
    2) ((in plural) ideas for a speech, details from a lecture etc written down in short form: The students took notes on the professor's lecture.) notatki
    3) (a written or mental record: Have you kept a note of his name?) notatka
    4) (a short explanation: There is a note at the bottom of the page about that difficult word.) uwaga
    5) (a short letter: She wrote a note to her friend.) liścik
    6) ((American bill) a piece of paper used as money; a bank-note: a five-dollar note.) banknot
    7) (a musical sound: The song ended on a high note.) nuta
    8) (a written or printed symbol representing a musical note.) nuta
    9) (an impression or feeling: The conference ended on a note of hope.) ton
    2. verb
    1) ((often with down) to write down: He noted (down) her telephone number in his diary.) (za)notować
    2) (to notice; to be aware of: He noted a change in her behaviour.) zauważyć
    - notability
    - notably
    - noted
    - notelet
    - notebook
    - notecase
    - notepaper
    - noteworthy
    - noteworthiness
    - take note of

    English-Polish dictionary > note

  • 5 note

    كَتَبَ \ inscribe: to write, esp. by cutting letters in stone or metal or wood. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write (wrote): to draw signs that make words: She writes neatly. I wrote his name down (I made a note of it). Write this out three times (Make three full copies of it). \ See Also سجل (سَجَّلَ)، نقش (نَقَشَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > note

  • 6 note

    سَجَّلَ (زواجًا)‏ \ enter: to write (a name, an amount of money, etc.) on a list: Have you entered (your name) for the next race? Did you enter that payment in your accounts?. note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write; turn (words): You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death, to set down (sounds, on a record or tape) so that they can be heard again (on a record player, etc.) His speech on the radio was recorded the day before, at his home. register: to record (one’s marriage, a birth, one’s car, etc.) in an official record; to have a valuable letter specially recorded at the post office so that it will arrive safely: a registered packet; (of an instrument that measures speed, heat, etc.) to show (a certain figure). write: to put into words: He wrote an account of the accident. \ See Also دون (دَوَّنَ)، عَيَّرَ عن، كتب (كَتَبَ)، دَلَّ على، ألف (أَلَّفَ)، سجل (سَجَّلَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > note

  • 7 note

    أَهَمِّيَّة \ importance: being important. note: importance: Nothing of note happened on the journey. prestige: the honour and respect that are won by splendid success or famous high qualities: the prestige of Rolls-Royce cars. significance: meaning; importance. value: worth (in usefulness or in money): A lock has no value without its key. \ See Also مكانة (مَكَانَة)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > note

  • 8 note

    دَوَّنَ \ note: (usu. with down) to write a note about: The policeman noted (down) the number of their car. put: to express; say or write: You could put that idea more clearly. Put that (down) in your notebook. Put that sentence into French. record: to write (sth.) so that it shall be remembered: History does not record the cause of his death. write: to put into words; to create for printing (a book, articles, etc., esp. for a living): He wrote an account of the accident. She writes books on science. He has stopped teaching to that he can write (as a job). \ See Also كتب (كَتَبَ)، ألف (أَلَّفَ)‏

    Arabic-English glossary > note

  • 9 note

    حَاشِيَة \ flap: a piece (of a table, a garment, etc.) that folds and hangs down: the flap of a pocket. hem: the border of a piece of cloth, when it is folded and sewn down. note: a short explanation, etc., written at the foot of a page (also footnote) or at the end of a book. suite: a group of officials or servants who travel with an important person.

    Arabic-English glossary > note

  • 10 delivery note

    a document containing details of the quantity and specifications of accompanying goods. A signed copy of the delivery note often acts as proof of delivery. An advice note contains similar information, but is sent to inform a third party of delivery.

    The ultimate business dictionary > delivery note

  • 11 Usage note : be

    The direct French equivalent of the verb to be in subject + to be + predicate sentences is être:
    I am tired
    = je suis fatigué
    Caroline is French
    = Caroline est française
    the children are in the garden
    = les enfants sont dans le jardin
    It functions in very much the same way as to be does in English and it is safe to assume it will work as a translation in the great majority of cases.
    Note, however, that when you are specifying a person’s profession or trade, a/an is not translated:
    she’s a doctor
    = elle est médecin
    Claudie is still a student
    = Claudie est toujours étudiante
    This is true of any noun used in apposition when the subject is a person:
    he’s a widower
    = il est veuf
    Lyons is a beautiful city
    = Lyon est une belle ville
    For more information or expressions involving professions and trades consult the usage note Shops, Trades and Professions.
    For the conjugation of the verb être see the French verb tables.
    Grammatical functions
    The passive
    être is used to form the passive in French just as to be is used in English. Note, however, that the past participle agrees in gender and number with the subject:
    the rabbit was killed by a fox
    = le lapin a été tué par un renard
    the window had been broken
    = la fenêtre avait été cassée
    their books will be sold
    = leurs livres seront vendus
    our doors have been repainted red
    = nos portes ont été repeintes en rouge
    In spoken language, French native speakers find the passive cumbersome and will avoid it where possible by using the impersonal on where a person or people are clearly involved : on a repeint nos portes en rouge.
    Progressive tenses
    In French the idea of something happening over a period of time cannot be expressed using the verb être in the way that to be is used as an auxiliary verb in English.
    The present
    French uses simply the present tense where English uses the progressive form with to be:
    I am working
    = je travaille
    Ben is reading a book
    = Ben lit un livre
    The future
    French also uses the present tense where English uses the progressive form with to be:
    we are going to London tomorrow
    = nous allons à Londres demain
    I’m (just) coming!
    = j’arrive!
    I’m (just) going!
    = j’y vais!
    The past
    To express the distinction between she read a newspaper and she was reading a newspaper French uses the perfect and the imperfect tenses: elle a lu un journal/elle lisait un journal:
    he wrote to his mother
    = il a écrit à sa mère
    he was writing to his mother
    = il écrivait à sa mère
    However, in order to accentuate the notion of describing an activity which went on over a period of time, the phrase être en train de (= to be in the process of) is often used:
    ‘what was he doing when you arrived?’
    ‘he was cooking the dinner’
    = ‘qu’est-ce qu’il faisait quand tu es arrivé?’ ‘il était en train de préparer le dîner’
    she was just finishing her essay when …
    = elle était juste en train de finir sa dissertation quand …
    The compound past
    Compound past tenses in the progressive form in English are generally translated by the imperfect in French:
    I’ve been looking for you
    = je te cherchais
    For progressive forms + for and since (I’ve been waiting for an hour, I had been waiting for an hour, I’ve been waiting since Monday etc.) see the entries for and since.
    When to be is used as an auxiliary verb with another verb in the infinitive ( to be to do) expressing obligation, a fixed arrangement or destiny, devoir is used:
    she’s to do it at once
    = elle doit le faire tout de suite
    what am I to do?
    = qu’est-ce que je dois faire?
    he was to arrive last Monday
    = il devait arriver lundi dernier
    she was never to see him again
    = elle ne devait plus le revoir.
    In tag questions
    French has no direct equivalent of tag questions like isn’t he? or wasn’t it? There is a general tag question n’est-ce pas? (literally isn’t it so?) which will work in many cases:
    their house is lovely, isn’t it?
    = leur maison est très belle, n’est-ce pas?
    he’s a doctor, isn’t he?
    = il est médecin, n’est-ce pas?
    it was a very good meal, wasn’t it?
    = c’était un très bon repas, n’est-ce pas?
    However, n’est-ce pas can very rarely be used for positive tag questions and some other way will be found to express the extra meaning contained in the tag: par hasard ( by any chance) can be very useful as a translation:
    ‘I can’t find my glasses’ ‘they’re not in the kitchen, are they?’
    = ‘je ne trouve pas mes lunettes’ ‘elles ne sont pas dans la cuisine, par hasard?’
    you haven’t seen Gaby, have you?
    = tu n’as pas vu Gaby, par hasard?
    In cases where an opinion is being sought, si? meaning more or less or is it? or was it? etc. can be useful:
    it’s not broken, is it?
    = ce n’est pas cassé, si?
    he wasn’t serious, was he?
    = il n’était pas sérieux, si?
    In many other cases the tag question is simply not translated at all and the speaker’s intonation will convey the implied question.
    In short answers
    Again, there is no direct equivalent for short answers like yes I am, no he’s not etc. Where the answer yes is given to contradict a negative question or statement, the most useful translation is si:
    ‘you’re not going out tonight’ ‘yes I am’
    = ‘tu ne sors pas ce soir’ ‘si’
    In reply to a standard enquiry the tag will not be translated:
    ‘are you a doctor?’ ‘yes I am’
    = ‘êtes-vous médecin?’ ‘oui’
    ‘was it raining?’ ‘yes it was’
    = ‘est-ce qu’il pleuvait?’ ‘oui’
    For expressions of probability and supposition ( if I were you etc.) see the entry be.
    Other functions
    Expressing sensations and feelings
    In expressing physical and mental sensations, the verb used in French is avoir:
    to be cold
    = avoir froid
    to be hot
    = avoir chaud
    I’m cold
    = j’ai froid
    to be thirsty
    = avoir soif
    to be hungry
    = avoir faim
    to be ashamed
    = avoir honte
    my hands are cold
    = j’ai froid aux mains
    If, however, you are in doubt as to which verb to use in such expressions, you should consult the entry for the appropriate adjective.
    Discussing health and how people are
    In expressions of health and polite enquiries about how people are, aller is used:
    how are you?
    = comment allez-vous?
    ( more informally) comment vas-tu?
    are you well?
    = vous allez bien?
    how is your daughter?
    = comment va votre fille?
    my father is better today
    = mon père va mieux aujourd’hui
    Discussing weather and temperature
    In expressions of weather and temperature faire is generally used:
    it’s cold
    = il fait froid
    it’s windy
    = il fait du vent
    If in doubt, consult the appropriate adjective entry.
    Visiting somewhere
    When to be is used in the present perfect tense to mean go, visit etc., French will generally use the verbs venir, aller etc. rather than être:
    I’ve never been to Sweden
    = je ne suis jamais allé en Suède
    have you been to the Louvre?
    = est-ce que tu es déjà allé au Louvre?
    or est-ce que tu as déjà visité le Louvre?
    Paul has been to see us three times
    = Paul est venu nous voir trois fois
    Note too:
    has the postman been?
    = est-ce que le facteur est passé?
    For here is, here are, there is, there are see the entries here and there.
    The translation for an expression or idiom containing the verb to be will be found in the dictionary at the entry for another word in the expression: for to be in danger see danger, for it would be best to … see best etc.
    This dictionary contains usage notes on topics such as the clock, time units, age, weight measurement, days of the week, and shops, trades and professions, many of which include translations of particular uses of to be.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : be

  • 12 Usage note : as

    When as is used as a preposition or a conjunction to mean like it is translated
    by comme:
    dressed as a sailor
    = habillé comme un marin
    as usual
    = comme d’habitude
    as often happens
    = comme c’est souvent le cas
    As a conjunction in time expressions, meaning when or while, as is translated by comme:
    as she was coming down the stairs
    = comme elle descendait l’escalier
    However, where a gradual process is involved, as is translated by au fur et à mesure que:
    as the day went on, he became more anxious
    = au fur et à mesure que la journée avançait il devenait plus inquiet
    As a conjunction meaning because, as is translated by comme or puisque:
    as he is ill, he can’t go out
    = comme il est malade or puisqu’il est malade, il ne peut pas sortir
    When used as an adverb in comparisons, as…as is translated by aussi…que:
    he is as intelligent as his brother
    = il est aussi intelligent que son frère
    But see category J in the entry as for as much
    as and as many as.
    Note also the standard translation used for fixed similes:
    as strong as an ox
    = fort comme un bœuf
    as rich as Croesus
    = riche comme Crésus
    Such similes often have a cultural equivalent rather than a direct translation. To find translations for English similes, consult the entry for the second element.
    When as is used as a preposition to indicate a person’s profession or position, it is translated by comme:
    he works as an engineer
    = il travaille comme ingénieur
    Note that the article a/an is not translated.
    When as is used with a preposition to mean in my/his capacity as, it is translated by en tant que:
    as a teacher I believe that…
    = en tant qu’enseignant je crois que…
    For more examples, particular usages and phrases like as for, as from, as to etc. see the entry as.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : as

  • 13 Usage note : may

    When may (or may have) is used with another verb in English to convey possibility, French will generally use the adverb peut-être ( perhaps) with the equivalent verb:
    it may rain
    = il pleuvra peut-être
    we may never know what happened
    = nous ne saurons peut-être jamais ce qui s’est passé
    he may have got lost
    = il s’est peut-être perdu
    Alternatively, and more formally, the construction il se peut que + subjunctive may be used: il se peut qu’il pleuve ; il se peut que nous ne sachions jamais. For particular usages, see 1 in the entry may1.
    peut-être is also used in French to convey concession:
    he may be slow but he’s not stupid
    = il est peut-être lent mais il n’est pas bête
    you may think I’m crazy but …
    = tu penses peut-être que je suis fou mais…
    When may is used to convey permission, the French equivalent is pouvoir:
    you may close the door
    = vous pouvez fermer la porte
    Note that the polite question may I…? is translated by puis-je…?:
    may I make a suggestion?
    = puis-je faire une suggestion?
    For particular usages, see 2 in the entry may1.
    When may is used in rather formal English to convey purpose in the construction in order that + may, the French equivalent is pour que + subjunctive:
    in order that he may know
    = pour qu’il sache
    When may is used with another verb to express a wish, the French uses que + subjunctive:
    may they be happy!
    = qu’ils soient heureux!
    long may it last!
    = que ça dure!
    When may well + verb is used to convey likelihood, the French uses il est fort possible que + subjunctive:
    he may well have gone elsewhere
    = il est fort possible qu’il soit allé ailleurs
    But note:
    that may well be but…
    = c’est possible mais…
    In the phrase may as well, may is used interchangeably with might, which is more frequently used. For translations see the entry might1.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : may

  • 14 Usage note : which

    In questions
    When which is used as a pronoun in questions it is translated by lequel, laquelle, lesquels or lesquelles according to the gender and number of the noun it is referring to:
    there are three peaches, which do you want?
    = il y a trois pêches, laquelle veux-tu?
    ‘Lucy’s borrowed three of your books’ ‘which did she take?’
    = ‘Lucy t’a emprunté trois livres’ ‘lesquels a-t-elle pris?’
    The exception to this is when which is followed by a superlative adjective, when the translation is quel, quelle, quels or quelles:
    which is the biggest (apple)?
    = quelle est la plus grande?
    which are the least expensive (books)?
    = quels sont les moins chers?
    In relative clauses as subject or object
    When which is used as a relative pronoun as the subject of a verb, it is translated by qui:
    the book which is on the table
    = le livre qui est sur la table
    the books which are on the table
    = les livres qui sont sur la table
    When which is the object of a verb it is translated by que (qu’ before a vowel or mute ‘h’):
    the book which Tina is reading
    = le livre que lit Tina
    Note the inversion of subject and verb ; this is the case where the subject is a noun but not where the subject is a pronoun:
    the book which I am reading
    = le livre que je lis
    In compound tenses such as the present perfect and past perfect, the past participle agrees in gender and number with the noun que is referring to:
    the books which I gave you
    = les livres que je t’ai donnés
    the dresses which she bought yesterday
    = les robes qu’elle a achetées hier
    In relative clauses after a preposition
    Here the translation is lequel, laquelle, lesquels or lesquelles according to the gender and number of the noun referred to:
    the road by which we came or the road which we came by
    = la route par laquelle nous sommes venus
    the expressions for which we have translations
    = les expressions pour lesquelles nous avons une traduction
    Remember that if the preposition would normally be translated by à in French (to, at etc.), the preposition + which is translated by auquel, à laquelle, auxquels or auxquelles:
    the addresses to which we sent letters
    = les adresses auxquelles nous avons envoyé des lettres
    With prepositions normally translated by de (of, from etc.) the translation of the preposition which becomes dont:
    a blue book, the title of which I’ve forgotten
    = un livre bleu dont j’ai oublié le titre
    However, if de is part of a prepositional group, as for example in the case of près de meaning near, the translation becomes duquel, de laquelle, desquels or desquelles:
    the village near which they live
    = le village près duquel ils habitent
    the houses near which she was waiting
    = les maisons près desquelles elle attendait
    The translation duquel etc. is also used where a preposition + noun precedes of which:
    a hill at the top of which there is a house
    = une colline au sommet de laquelle il y a une maison
    As a determiner
    In questions
    When which is used as a determiner in questions it is translated by quel, quelle, quels or quelles according to the gender and number of the noun that follows:
    which car is yours?
    = quelle voiture est la vôtre?
    which books did he borrow?
    = quels livres a-t-il empruntés?
    Note that in the second example the object precedes the verb so that the past participle agrees in gender and number with the object.
    For translations of which as a determiner in relative clauses see B2 in the entry which.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : which

  • 15 Usage note : go

    go as a simple intransitive verb is translated by aller:
    we’re going to Paris
    = nous allons à Paris
    where are you going?
    = où vas-tu?
    Sasha went to London last week
    = Sasha est allée à Londres la semaine dernière
    Note that aller conjugates with être in compound tenses. For the conjugation of aller see the French verb tables. For more examples and particular usages see the entry go. The verb go produces a great many phrasal verbs in English (go up, go down, go out, go back etc.). Many of these are translated by a single verb in French (monter, descendre, sortir, retourner etc.). The phrasal verbs are listed separately at the end of the entry go.
    As an auxiliary verb
    When go is used as an auxiliary to show intention, it is also translated by aller:
    I’m going to buy a car tomorrow
    = je vais acheter une voiture demain
    I was going to talk to you about it
    = j’allais t’en parler
    he’s not going to ask for a rise
    = il ne va pas demander d’augmentation
    For more examples and particular usages see A23 in the entry go.
    For all other uses see the entry go.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : go

  • 16 Usage note : let

    When let is used in English with another verb in order to make a suggestion (let’s do it at once), the first person plural - ons of the appropriate verb can generally be used to express this in French: faisons-le tout de suite. (Note that the verb alone translates let us do and no pronoun appears in French.)
    In the spoken language, however, which is the usual context for such suggestions, French speakers will use the much more colloquial on + present tense or si on + imperfect tense:
    let’s do it at once
    = on le fait tout de suite? or si on le faisait tout de suite?
    let’s go to the cinema tonight
    = si on allait au cinéma ce soir?
    let’s go!
    = allons-y! or on y va!
    These translations can also be used for negative suggestions:
    let’s not take or don’t let’s take the bus - let’s walk
    = on ne prend pas le bus, on y va à pied or ne prenons pas le bus, allons-y à pied
    For more examples and particular usages see A1 in the entry let1.
    When let is used in English with another verb to express defiance or a command (just let him try!) French uses the structure que + present subjunctive:
    just let him try!
    = qu’il essaie!
    don’t let me see you here again!
    = que je ne te revoie plus ici!
    For more examples and particular usages see A2 in the entry let1.
    When let is used to mean allow, it is generally translated by the verb laisser. For examples and particular usages see A3 in the entry let1.
    For translations of expressions such as let fly, let loose, let slip etc., consult the entry for the second word (fly, loose, slip etc.).

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : let

  • 17 Usage note : of

    In almost all its uses the preposition of is translated by de. Exceptions to this are substances ( made of gold), uses with a personal pronoun (that’s kind of you), proportions (some of us, of the 12 of us…) and time expressions ( of an evening). For translations of these, see the entry of. Remember that de + le always becomes du and that de + les always becomes des.
    To find translations for phrases beginning with of (of course, of all, of interest, of late, of old) you should consult the appropriate noun etc. entry (course, all, interest, late, old etc.).
    of also often appears as the second element of a verb (consist of, deprive of, die of, think of). For translations, consult the appropriate verb entry.
    of is used after certain nouns, pronouns and adjectives in English (a member of, a game of, some of, most of, afraid of, capable of, ashamed of). For translations, consult the appropriate noun, pronoun or adjective entry.
    When of it or of them are used for something already referred to, they are translated by en:
    there’s a lot of it
    = il y en a beaucoup
    there are several of them
    = il y en a plusieurs
    Note, however, the following expressions used when referring to people:
    there are six of them
    = ils sont six
    there were several of them
    = ils étaient plusieurs
    For particular usages see the entry of.
    This dictionary contains usage notes on such topics as Age, Capacity measurement, Dates, Illnesses, Length measurement, Quantities, Towns and cities, and Weight measurement, many of which use of.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : of

  • 18 Usage note : that

    In French, determiners agree in gender and number with the noun they precede ; that is translated by ce + masculine singular noun ( ce monsieur), cet + masculine singular noun beginning with a vowel or mute ‘h’ ( cet homme) and cette + feminine singular noun ( cette femme) ; those is translated by ces.
    Note, however, that the above translations are also used for the English this (plural these). So when it is necessary to insist on that as opposed to another or others of the same sort, the adverbial tag - is added to the noun:
    I prefer THAT version
    = je préfère cette version-là
    For particular usages, see the entry that.
    As a pronoun meaning that one, those ones
    In French, pronouns reflect the gender and number of the noun they are referring to. So that is translated by celui-là for a masculine noun, celle-là for a feminine noun and those is translated by ceux-là for a masculine noun and celles-là for a feminine noun:
    I think I like that one (dress) best
    = je crois que je préfère celle-là
    For other uses of that, those as pronouns (e.g. who’s that?) and for adverbial use (e.g. that much, that many) there is no straightforward translation, so see the entry that for examples of usage.
    When used as a relative pronoun, that is translated by qui when it is the subject of the verb and by que when it is the object:
    the man that stole the car
    = l’homme qui a volé la voiture
    the film that I saw
    = le film que j’ai vu
    Remember that in the present perfect and past perfect tenses, the past participle will agree
    with the noun to which que as object refers:
    the apples that I bought
    = les pommes que j’ai achetées
    When that is used as a relative pronoun with a preposition, it is translated by lequel when standing for a masculine singular noun, by laquelle when standing for a feminine singular noun, by lesquels when standing for a masculine plural noun and by lesquelles when standing for a feminine plural noun:
    the chair that I was sitting on
    = la chaise sur laquelle j’étais assise
    the children that I bought the books for
    = les enfants pour lesquels j’ai acheté les livres
    Remember that in cases where the English preposition used would normally be translated by à in French (e.g. to, at), the translation of the whole (prep + rel pron) will be auquel, à laquelle, auxquels, auxquelles:
    the girls that I was talking to
    = les filles auxquelles je parlais
    Similarly, where the English preposition used would normally be translated by de in French (e.g. of, from), the translation of the whole (prep + rel pron) will be dont in all cases:
    the Frenchman that I received a letter from
    = le Français dont j’ai reçu une lettre
    When used as a conjunction, that can almost always be translated by que (qu’ before a vowel or mute ‘h’):
    she said that she would do it
    = elle a dit qu’elle le ferait
    In certain verbal constructions, que is followed by a subjunctive in French. If you are in doubt about the construction to use, consult the appropriate verb entry. For particular usages see the entry that.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : that

  • 19 Usage note : this

    In French, determiners agree in gender and number with the noun they precede ; this (plural these) is translated by ce + masculine singular noun ( ce monsieur) BUT by cet + masculine singular noun beginning with a vowel or mute ‘h’ (cet arbre, cet homme), by cette + feminine singular noun ( cette femme) and by ces + plural noun (ces livres, ces histoires).
    Note, however, that the above translations are also used for the English that (plural those). So when it is necessary to insist on this as opposed to another or others of the same sort, the adverbial tag -ci, giving the idea of this one here, is added to the noun:
    I prefer THIS version
    = je préfère cette version-ci
    For particular usages see the entry this.
    This dictionary contains usage notes on such topics as time units, days of the week and months of the year.
    As a pronoun meaning this one
    In French, pronouns reflect the gender and number of the noun they are referring to. So this is translated by celui-ci for a masculine noun, celle-ci for a feminine noun ; those is translated by ceux-ci for a masculine plural noun, celles-ci for a feminine plural noun:
    of all the dresses this is the prettiest one
    = de toutes les robes celle-ci est la plus jolie
    For other uses of this used as a pronoun (who’s this?, this is my brother, this is wrong etc.) and for this used as an adverb ( it was this big etc.), see the entry this.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : this

  • 20 Usage note : have

    When used as an auxiliary in present perfect, future perfect and past perfect tenses, have is normally translated by avoir:
    I have seen
    = j’ai vu
    I had seen
    = j’avais vu
    However, some verbs in French, especially verbs of movement and change of state (e.g. aller, venir, descendre, mourir), take être rather than avoir in these tenses:
    he has left
    = il est parti
    In this case, remember the past participle agrees with the subject of the verb:
    she has gone
    = elle est allée
    Reflexive verbs (e.g. se lever, se coucher) always conjugate with être:
    she has fainted
    = elle s’est évanouie
    For translations of time expressions using for or since (he has been in London for six months, he has been in London since June), see the entries for and since.
    For translations of time expressions using just (I have just finished my essay, he has just gone), see the entry just1.
    to have to meaning must is translated by either devoir or the impersonal construction il faut que + subjunctive:
    I have to leave now
    = il faut que je parte maintenant or je dois partir maintenant
    In negative sentences, not to have to is generally translated by ne pas être obligé de e.g.
    you don’t have to go
    = tu n’es pas obligé d’y aller
    For examples and particular usages see the entry have.
    When have is used as a straightforward transitive verb meaning possess, have (or have got) can generally be translated by avoir, e.g.
    I have (got) a car
    = j’ai une voiture
    she has a good memory
    = elle a une bonne mémoire
    they have (got) problems
    = ils ont des problèmes
    For examples and particular usages see entry ; see also got.
    have is also used with certain noun objects where the whole expression is equivalent to a verb:
    to have dinner = to dine
    to have a try = to try
    to have a walk = to walk
    In such cases the phrase is very often translated by the equivalent verb in French (dîner, essayer, se promener). For translations consult the appropriate noun entry (dinner, try, walk).
    had is used in English at the beginning of a clause to replace an expression with if. Such expressions are generally translated by si + past perfect tense, e.g.
    had I taken the train, this would never have happened
    = si j’avais pris le train, ce ne serait jamais arrivé
    had there been a fire, we would all have been killed
    = s’il y avait eu un incendie, nous serions tous morts
    For examples of the above and all other uses of have see the entry.

    Big English-French dictionary > Usage note : have

См. также в других словарях:

  • note — 1 n 1 a: a written promise to pay a debt; specif: promissory note in this entry bank note: a promissory note issued by a bank payable to bearer on demand but without interest and circulating as money cog·no·vit note /käg nō vit , kōg /: a note in …   Law dictionary

  • Note — Debt instruments with initial maturities greater than one year and less than 10 years. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is used as money; …   Financial and business terms

  • note — debt instruments with initial maturities ( maturity) longer than one year and shorter than 10 years. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary * * * ▪ I. note note 1 [nəʊt ǁ noʊt] noun 1. [countable] BANKING a piece of printed paper that is …   Financial and business terms

  • note — 1. verb To make a brief written statement; to erjtera memorandum, as to note an exception 2. noun An instrument containing an express and absolute promise of signer (i.e. maker) to pay to a specified person or order, or bearer, a definite sum of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • note — 1. verb To make a brief written statement; to erjtera memorandum, as to note an exception 2. noun An instrument containing an express and absolute promise of signer (i.e. maker) to pay to a specified person or order, or bearer, a definite sum of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • note — [[t]no͟ʊt[/t]] ♦♦ notes, noting, noted 1) N COUNT A note is a short letter. Stevens wrote him a note asking him to come to his apartment... I ll have to leave a note for Karen. Syn: message 2) N COUNT A note is something that you write down to… …   English dictionary

  • note — note1 W1S1 [nəut US nout] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(to remind you)¦ 2¦(for studying)¦ 3¦(short letter)¦ 4¦(official letter)¦ 5¦(additional information)¦ 6¦(music)¦ 7¦(money)¦ 8¦(feeling or quality)¦ 9 hit/strike the right/wrong note …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • note payable — A written, Contractual obligation to pay *money at a specified, future date. See also *promissory note …   Auditor's dictionary

  • Note (disambiguation) — Note, notes, or NOTE may refer to: Note, a musical note Note, a security (finance), a type of bond Banknote, a form of cash currency, also known as bill in the United States and Canada Note (perfumery), a scent experienced as a perfume fades… …   Wikipedia

  • Note — Note, n. [F. note, L. nota; akin to noscere, notum, to know. See {Know}.] 1. A mark or token by which a thing may be known; a visible sign; a character; a distinctive mark or feature; a characteristic quality. [1913 Webster] Whosoever appertain… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Note of hand — Note Note, n. [F. note, L. nota; akin to noscere, notum, to know. See {Know}.] 1. A mark or token by which a thing may be known; a visible sign; a character; a distinctive mark or feature; a characteristic quality. [1913 Webster] Whosoever… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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